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Dollar Sweets Presents


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 Every Slice

Unless they haven't had the pleasure of tasting it, it's hard to come across someone who doesn't have a soft spot for Fairy Bread. Relish in the nostalgia of childhood birthday parties, indulge your sweet tooth and join us this November to celebrate Fairy Bread Day. 

And the best part? By joining in, you'll be supporting The Pyjama Foundation, an organisation dedicated to helping Aussie Foster Kids achieve their dreams. Last year, we raised over $34.9K for The Pyjama Foundation, and this year, we're excited to smash that record!


So let's spread some love and sweetness, and show these kiddos that we're in their corner.

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How to make this Aussie Fave 

We all have our own technique to nail the perfect slice of Fairy Bread, so by no means are we saying this is the only way to do it. That being said, one thing we can all agree on is that 100's & 1000's are non-negotiable.

Here is how we love our Fairy Bread!

Fairy Bread Day Countdown
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